
Extended Notice pursuant to article 5.3 of European Directive 2002/58/EC

This Notice is made, pursuant to articles 5.3 of European Directive 2002/58/EC, to those who connect to the site (hereinafter the “Site”) in relation to the use of cookies.

General Information about cookies

A cookie is a small piece of data that a website asks user’s browser to store on his computer or mobile device. The cookie allows the website to “remember” user’s actions or preferences over time. Most browsers support cookies, but users can set their browsers to decline them and can delete them whenever they like.

While browsing a site, user cam also receive on his terminal cookies that are sent from different websites or web servers (“Third Party Cookies”). A typical example occurs when a website references a file, such as a javascript file, located outside its domain. Cookies, usually, have various characteristics of persistence (from 1 hour to many years) and have different purposes: authentication, storing of information concerning the language used by user in order to ease further access to the website, statistical analysis, marketing and so on.

Cookies used by the Site

A) Technical cookies

Technical cookies (“Technical Cookies”) are cookies stored for the sole purpose of for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communication network or cookies that are strictly necessary in order for the provider of an information society service explicitly required by the user to provide that service.

Technical Cookies are clearly exempt from consent. According to EU Advisory Body on data protection, Technical Cookies include:

• user-input cookies (session-id) such as first-party cookies to keep track of the user’s input when filling online forms, shopping carts, etc., for the duration of a session or persistent cookies limited to a few hours in some cases
• authentication cookies, to identify the user once he has logged in, for the duration of a session
• user-centric security cookies, used to detect authentication abuses, for a limited persistent duration
• multimedia content player cookies, used to store technical data to play back video or audio content, for the duration of a session
• load-balancing cookies, for the duration of session
• user-interface customisation cookies such as language or font preferences, for the duration of a session (or slightly longer)
• third-party social plug-in content-sharing cookies, for logged-in members of a social network.

Even third-party analytics cookies, may be considered as Technical Cookies, if the holder of the website uses third party services (such as Google Analytics) with IP anonymization enabled. IP anomyzation ensures that all users’ IP addresses browsing a specific website are anonymized within the analytics service, through the masking of the last portion of the above mentioned IP address.
This website uses Technical Cookies which are exempt from consent, pursuant to EU Advisory Body opinions. Please check in the cookie table below for further details about these cookies.

B) Profiling Cookies

Profiling cookies (“Profiling Cookies”) are cookies stored for the purpose of identify user’s device out of the millions of users accessing the internet. The information contained in a Profiling Cookie is then used to track the user’s activity when visiting web pages in order to determine his browsing habits, sites visited, age, marital status etc., and, as a consequence, let advertisers show the user advertisements that may be tailored to his preferences.

Profiling Cookies are not exempt from consent, pursuant to article 5.3 of European Directive 2002/58/EC.

In any case, the User is invited to access to “” where he will be able to disable or authorize the installation of Profiling Cookies by third parties who have entered into agreements with the aforementioned site.

This website does not use Profiling Cookies so consent from user is not required.

Manage Cookies on different browsers

1. From the Chrome menu in the top right corner of the browser, select Settings.
2. At the bottom of the page, click Show advanced settings…
3. Under Privacy, select Content settings.…
◦ To manage cookie settings, check or uncheck the options under “Cookies”.
◦ To view or remove individual cookies, click All cookies and site data… and hover the mouse over the entry. Select the X that appears next to the cookie to remove it.
◦ To delete all cookies, click All cookies and site data…and select Remove all.


1. From the Tools menu, select Options. If the menu bar is hidden, press Alt to make it visible.
2. At the top of the window that appears, click Privacy.
◦ To manage cookie settings, from the drop-down menu under “History”, select Use custom settings for history. Enable or disable the settings by checking or unchecking the boxes next to each setting:
▪ To allow sites to set cookies on your computer, select Accept cookies from sites. To specify which sites are always or never allowed to use cookies, click Exceptions.
▪ To accept third-party cookies, check Accept third-party cookies. In the “Keep until:” drop-down menu, select the time period you wish to keep cookies on your computer.
▪ To specify how the browser should clear the private data it stores, check Clear history when Firefox closes. Click Settings…. Check the items to be cleared when you close Firefox.
◦ To view or remove individual cookies, click remove individual cookies.
◦ To remove all cookies, from the History menu, select clear your recent history. Click the arrow next to “Details” to expand the menu, check the items you want to clear, and then click Clear Now.

1. In Safari, from the Safari menu, select Preferences….
2. In the Safari preferences window, click Privacy.
◦ To manage cookie settings, next to “Block cookies”, select From third parties and advertisers, Always, or Never.
◦ To view or remove individual cookies, click Details…. Select the cookie to delete and click Remove.
◦ To delete all cookies, select Remove All Website Data… In the window that appears, select Remove Now.

Cookie List


1 day
Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate

1 month
Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.

1 year
Determines preferred language of the visitor and, where possible, sets accordingly the language of the Site

Timestamp and counter of user actions.

Session or 30 days (depending of preferences of user)
The c_user cookie contains the user ID of the currently logged in user.

Two years
Identifies the web browser being used to connect to Facebook
independent of the logged in user. This cookie plays a key role in Facebook’s security and site
integrity features.

3 months
Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.

The presence cookie is used to contain the user’s chat state. For example, which chat tabs are

1 day
This cookie will manage the functionality “Follow us on Facebook” of the Like, stores the language preference and permits sharing of the page.

1 week
Used by Facebook to identify the Facebook id of the visitor of the website.

Stores the browser window dimensions and is used by Facebook to optimise the
rendering of the page

Session or 30 days (depending of preferences of user)
This cookie contains multiple pieces of information, separated by colon. The first value is an up to two-digit number representing the session number. The second portion of the value is a session secret. The third, optional component is a ‘secure’ flag for if the user has enabled the secure browsing feature.

Stores any change done during internet surfing

This cookie is set due twitter integration and sharing capabilities.

Gather information about navigation

Gather information about navigation in order to determine the origin of the user

2 years
Identifies the user who click on the button “Tweet” with a unique number associated with Twitter.

2 years
Permits content sharing on twitter

2 years
Used to collect
information about users browsing
behaviour for marketing purposes
including digital display and social
media advertising.

15 days
Identifies the user with a unique number associated with Twitter.